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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why people are late?

Memang sangat marah & bengang kan dengan orang macam ni? Balik2 muka yang sameeeee jewww... Tak pikir ke kalo kiter ni ada urusan lain yang lagi penting.. Why i write about this today? Yes, becuz i'm totally angry.. ( Marah dlm kelembutan.. :p )

Nak buat macam mana dengan orang spesis camni ea? Memang tak makan saman betol.. Try kite plak lambat boley tak? :p

Aku nk share satu artikel ni.. Artikel ke journal, i've no idea.. Tak khatam lagi bab2 menulis ni.. Eheheee.. Artikel tu diskas pasal benda2 camni la and cane kite nak handle bende2 cenggini..

Antara 7 sebab yang disenaraikan dalam artikel tu nape orang lambat:

1) They’re late and they don’t know their behavior is a problem for others.
Memang... Kalo depa ni jenis "reti" takdenye wat perangai..

2) They’re late because they’re living up to a reputation for being late.

"If you’ve ever said to someone, “You’re going to be late for your own funeral,” you’ve just help solidify that person’s internal talk to themselves about being late. Now they have to be late."

3) They’re late as an expression of power. "You’re less powerful, so you have to wait for me; I can keep you waiting"... Ewah, ewah.. Tak ke ngengade bunyik..

4) They’re late because they’re too optimistic.. Orang camni cakap tak serupa bikin la.. Konon bleh sampai on time or earlier.. Sudahnya lambat jugakkkk.. Cakap je lebeyy..

5) They’re late because there’s no reward for being on time.. Ai, takkan seme benda nk kne ada reward? Kn better kalo sumenye ikhlas dr hati.. :))

6) They’re late because they can’t say “no"..

The classic example is when you take work to this person and they put it off until you are terrified that it won’t get done. As a reaction you decide to never ask them again! And that’s what they wanted in the first place. Unable to say “no” they use lateness in the hopes that you won’t be back again with another request.

7) They’re late because they’re “drama queens.” ewah ewah... Banyak dier punyer drama queen.. Kite punye drama queen dier taktau..

So cane nak handle orang2 cenggini? Ada 6 solution yang disenaraikan:

1. Come clean. Tell your late person what effect their lateness is having on your job performance, your relationship. Use only “I” statements, not “you” statements. “I’m uncomfortable with having to cover for you.” “This makes doing excellent work more difficult.” “We’ve got this scheduling system and any lateness puts a strain on the system--there’s no margin for error.” Hope for the best but plan for the worst.

2. Don’t label someone late or make jokes about their lateness. It makes it part of how they see themselves and they become stuck with it as a behavior pattern even when they don’t want it.

Here’s what you do: the next time this person is late, say simply and matter-of-factly, “Gee, it’s not like you to be late.”

3. If you were left waiting, as I was, to be picked up by the late person, stop. Don’t set yourself up for failure with a late person. Eliminate yourself from situations that require you to wait, especially if it involves uncomfortable surroundings...like standing outside a windy office building.

4. If your late person is of the optimistic variety, diplomatically direct this person to reality. Point out that “you’ll need more time, it’s rush hour” or “they expect heavy traffic at the airport” or “expect the best but plan for the worst.” The optimist requires retraining and you’ll need patience with this person but don’t just do nothing. A reassuring tone of voice and simple statement of fact...repeated frequently...will help the late person rethink their priorities.

5. If they’re late because they sincerely love the action and chaos it creates, you’ve got a special problem. They’re action junkies or drama queens. It’s OK for them to be that way but it’s also OK for you to not want to participate. Take yourself out of the Game.

6. Reward behavior you want repeated.

Source: http://www.justalyce.com/whylate.html

Tapi ekceli susah jugak nak buat orang tepati masa ni kan.. Lagi2 kalo "lambat" tu da jadik tabiat sepanjang hayat.... Kalo lambat seminit dua bole tahanla, still acceptable la.. Tapi kalo da 20 minit++ tuu, memang berasap jugakla kan.. Ingat kite ni tadak keroje lain selain dari menunggu mereka2 iteww.. Haihh.. Takpelah, y not try out the solutions.. Kot2 efektif ke kan.. Memang menuntut kesabaran..


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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