Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just a quick update!

Olla everyone!!!


Currrently at my parent's home..

Mata still bengkak gara-gara non-stop crying... Ihiks.. Biasala kan, sometimes mood ok, sometimes ke laut.. But one thing is, everytime incik hubby nak pegi offshore i'd definitely cry!! Lembik betul kan?? :p Sian kat incik hubby.. But once dia da selamat sampai kat sana, teros i oke... Heee... It's quite hard to face all the moments before dia berangkat tu.. All the touching moments.. I hold, salam n kiss his hand.. n in returns he will kiss my forehead.. Sangat emo tahap gaban masa tu.. :((

btw my hubby da selamat sampai pon.. Alhamdulillah... Do pray for me eh ppl.. So that i will be strong enough, tabah dan sabar mengharungi hidup ni... And of course i will!! Definitely!! Becuz Allah is always there to protect me..

Aritu i cakap nak update our holiday series kan tapi awal2 semester ni paham2 jelah yea.. I dun hav much time.. Dengan keje yang menimbun.. Keje memang tak penah abis ye tak.. :p but at the same time, i'm happy with my new life as a wife.. Happy sangat! Even though i cant see my hubby's face all the time... Even though i cant cook for him everyday macam isteri2 lain.. Even though we cant spend time together bila ujung minggu.. Tu sume dugaan kan.. My mother in law always say this to me.. Jangan pandang orang yang lebih dari kite but pandang orang yang jauh lg susah dari kita.. So whenever i see loving couples walking together happily, holding hands and whatsoever.. Teros tak jeles dah.. Hihiiii.. Kalo dulu rasa jeles sangattttt... Mentang2 hubby kite jauh kan... Huh.. Dush dush perasaan jeles itewww..

So later la i story pasal holiday series tu yek.. Now it's time for me to sleep.. Ngantuk sangat...

Till then!!

Happily waiting for your homecoming!! *_*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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